Thursday, February 19, 2009

My First Class

Well here it is Thursday night and I am finally getting time to sit at the keyboard and enter my thoughts about my first class.

The first class was about Common Objects, Fun Toys.

Once you think about it, there are many things in your home, that your infant or toddler can play safely with. The skills that can be learned are building gross motor skills, fine motor skills, imagination, etc.

You just have to use common sense and recognize that as each age comes and goes, the child will learn. You just have to be ready to teach and make sure that they are learning the right skills they will need as they grow.

Open-ended materials that can be used as toys or learning objects include different types of plastic bottles, boxes, containers with lids, toilet paper and paper towel rolls. The list is as endless as you have containers, plastic and or metal kitchen tools. Bowls, canisters, coasters, you name it.

Children can learn so many skills with just a little encouragement and time. Different objects teach shape sorting, opening and closing lids, putting like things and like colors together.

I must say it was an eye-opener for me. I learned a great deal from that class. I kind of wish, I had a way of learning all of this, when my children were small.

Now my next class will be Saturday morning. That one will be on For the Love of Money.
To teach you how to budget.

More on that after Saturday

1 comment:

Claudia Meydrech said...

Hello there,

I saw your post through google alerts, and you're a member of the Work at Home Grandmothers network. I thought you might like to use the "Events" feature at the network to promote your classes. If you have trouble figuring out how to do so, let me know and I'll post it for you.

Best of success with your classes!
