Thursday, October 30, 2008

What to do with a Blog

I have tried to start several blogs. But oh well, I do not seem able to continue and build them up. This time, I will try to do better.

At this point I have several lenses at Squidoo. The one I am developing now is about grandmothers who work at home, but also take care of grandchildren.

I take care of my now 5 month old grandson. I do this so he does not have to go to daycare. I believe babies and small children should not have to go to daycare if there is a viable alternative. If one has the time and energy to devote to the baby, one should give that baby all the love and care a grandmother has to give.

In the state of Louisiana where we live, if a parent is below a certain yearly income and the baby has WIC and or Medicaid this state has a program where the child care giver will be paid a certain amount of money. This only if the care giver is certified by the state.

The Volunteer of America group provides that certification. I shall be registering for it tomorrow. That will be Monday, January 5th.